Saturday, August 4, 2007

Ayumi Hamasaki - SEASONS

Continuing from last post...So, SPEED decided to split up and I feel very sad. And that time, I'm seeking for another idol. Because that time the information was still not very easy to reach like today, can get info by using internet. So, I often visit the nearest music store located in Selayang Mall. Suddenly, the Japan wind (哈日风) starts blowing strong in Malaysia and the newspapers start to report Japan stuff more than before and some more there is a new music program dedicated to Jpop which is Simon-san no Rakuen which is still running until now.

That time, I barely heard the Ayumi Hamasaki's name. And one day, when I visit the music store again, I saw a big poster banner in front of me. It is a female poster but she use her long golden hair to cover up her chest! She was so pretty and I start to wonder who is she. Yih? There is 3 character at the right bottom of the poster, it writes "浜崎歩". Then, during the first airing of Simon san no Rakuen, there is a chart at the end of show. Because it was new, so just have 5 spots. Ayumi has one song in the chart and that is "SEASONS". It a very soothing song and from the first time i heard, i fall in love to her already.

So i want to share this song to you, Ayumi's Season, the song that makes me admire her.

SPEED - White Love

The first post sure I had to dedicated to the artists that bring me to this Jpop world! And the person is non other than SPEED! I still remember when I was 14 years old, where the TV4 (dunno what name already) still available, they have one music show about Asian MTV. That time I'm just want to watch the Chinese or Hong Kong MTV, but when they put Japanese video (normally is rock), I just switch channel. Until one day, I didn't do that, because they show SPEED's "White Love".

I totally stunned, because the four person were so so pretty! Please remember that time im just 14, especially the main singer, i totally cannot forget the look and the song is great as well. The following week, they showed the same PV again! I'm so happy! Start from that day, I indulged myself into Japan music already. Addicted, can't help!

When I heard that they will split that time, I so sad.... and because of this I bought their final album (that time) before split "Carry On My Way". I still keeping this CD. One of the earliest CD i bought. Thanks SPEED, i like you forever. For more info please visit this page.